Asking and Giving Opinion.
Continue with the next material, namely asking and giving opinion. Ms. Fatma has also given us Word containing this material along with practice questions. We study and do well.
Opinion is phrase or sentence that consists of argument, reason or opinion from someone. Asking Opinion is a sentence which asking opinion or argument to other people to satisfaction. Giving Opinion is a sentence that gives a reason to someone or other people. So, Asking and Giving Opinion is expressions that are used for talking about arguments or opinion of two or more people.
- What do you think of…? (Bagaimana pendapatmu?)
- What is your opinion? (Apa pendapat mu?)
- What do you think about…? (Bagaimana pendapatmu?)
- What are you feeling? (Apa perasaa
- nmu?)
After learning what asking and giving opinion is, Ms. Fatma asked us to choose a dialogue to be read and recorded and made into a comic strip.
It's a voice-dubbed comic strip. I do it with my friend who sit beside me . The chosen theme is watching a movie. We practice how to argue using English Language.
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